

Easter 2018

2,000 years ago the world was changed forever! Jesus rose up from the grave, alive to continue his mission to reconcile all of creation back to the Father. He had died for our sins and broke the power of sin. And now He defeated death and proved that the grave could not hold him. It is at Easter that we celebrate His great victory over death and look forward to that day when He returns and all of creation enters into new…

Ever After – Life Lessons Learned in my Castle of Chaos

Ladies’ Mid-Week Life Group Starting Wednesday, 2/25/2015, 6:30 pm Most every woman dreams about having a family and a building a home. We grow up on a steady diet of fairytales and chick flicks that drive our dreams . . . and leave us with a sugarcoated version of reality. We want it all: the prince, the kiss, the proposal, the ring, the castle, and eventually, the kids in smocked rompers playing cheerfully on the perfectly manicured lawn. Our hopes…

Baby Dedication

We believe that our children are a blesssing from God and we are to treat them as such (Psalm 139:13-16). Our time for influence as parents in the lives of our child is limited. We recognize early that they are first and foremost God’s children. By dedicating our children, we are giving them back to the one that gave them life. Dedication of our children is a statement of our trust in God and that his plans and pourposes for…