

Easter 2018

2,000 years ago the world was changed forever! Jesus rose up from the grave, alive to continue his mission to reconcile all of creation back to the Father. He had died for our sins and broke the power of sin. And now He defeated death and proved that the grave could not hold him. It is at Easter that we celebrate His great victory over death and look forward to that day when He returns and all of creation enters into new…

Memorial Day Service – The Lesson of the Stones

Do you ever have trouble remembering things? If you’re not sure, the answer is probably “yes.” This weekend (Sunday, 5/28, at 9:30am) we’ll be celebrating Memorial Day, a national Day of Remembrance for those who have lost their lives in service to our country. These men and women have given the ultimate gift, their life, that we might have freedom. Even the freedom to gather together today in worship is freedom that many Christians around the world do not enjoy. As…