NineSevenZero Church (Page 6)

NineSevenZero Church (Page 6)

Sam and Frodo, Lord of the Rings

While There`s Hope There`s Life

Most people (me included) use the word hope as a verb, like in the closing of a conversation, “I hope things get better.” Honestly, it’s usually just wishful thinking and a way to sound compassionate but that’s not what people need. While there is a active part to the hope that people need, the first thing that our community needs is for us to be a people of hope. The noun form of the word, a hope that is as…

How Should We Respond to a Community Tragedy?

The mass shooting that occurred at a theatre in Aurora, Colorado, has once again reawakened societal fears, invaded the psyche of our nation and sparked another round of political debate. For Coloradans memories and feelings associated with the Columbine High School shootings in 1999 and the YWAM and New Life Church shootings in 2007 instantly came flooding back. Our state has once again been rocked by the senseless murder of innocent lives and we are left with a gaping range…

DNA – The Primacy of Gospel Proclamation

This is part three of a series exploring the essence of the DNA strands that define the nature, appearance, personality, motivation, and purpose for all those that identify with the community of faith known as NineSevenZero Church. This process of definition will insure that as we grow, as we send out people, as we replicate groups, as we reproduce fellowships, that each one will contain an exact imprint of the genetic material necessary for life, growth, and reproduction. The primary…
Basilica of St. Louis

The Problem with the Big Box Church

The way we do church is working with fewer people in our culture all the time.The model of church that most of us are a product of is quickly becoming ineffective in today’s world. This isn’t about styles of worship, high church or low church, mainline or independent, protestant or catholic, liturgical or pentecostal. This is about all of the Christian churches. Just about every church in America can be described with three words: “Come to us.” That is it.…

DNA – The Missional Strand

Today’s American society has many similarities to the culture which surrounded the first century church: People are spiritually sensitive and hungry but they are not looking to the Christian church. The culture is pluralistic but intolerant of the exclusive claims of Christ. The Christian faith is politically maligned and culturally held in disdain. That first century culture was God’s incubator for the genesis of the Church. We know the sect of Christ followers grew rapidly. The Church multiplied at an…

Lexicon (part 1)

A lexicon of common terms will be helpful to accurately communicate vision, strategy, and tactical plans. Many words have baggage associated with them or have had their meanings stretched by cultural usage. Instead of creating new terms, I think we can simply agree to a common understanding of meaning when we use them. A common vocabulary and consistant usage of terms will enable us to communicate and exchange ideas more efficiently and with greater accuracy. Here’s the first list of…

Look Out – We`re Contagious

If you examine the New Testament and church history, it is clear that there is no one “right” form of the church. Part of the church’s sustaining power and the mystery of it’s effectiveness is its ability to morph its form to reach a culture. There are several forms of the church that are present in North America today and we’re going to look at them to help us at NineSevenZero Church know who we are and how we fit…

First Thing – Count the Cost

Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. -Jerry Seinfeld Despite what the purveyors of the prosperity gospel say there is no escaping the New Testament reality that following Jesus is costly. Jesus said it would be. He never hid this fact and laid it out plainly to all that might follow him. The cost involves death to self and total commitment to God. The demand is all encompassing including relationships, wealth, position, possessions and life itself…