sermon series (Page 2)

sermon series (Page 2)

Believe – sermon series

What we believe and why matters. Most people don’t realize how their beliefs shape them and their life. What we believe changes the way we perceive the world around us What we believe impacts the way we think What we believe influences the choices we make What we believe is revealed in the way we act and live What we believe guides our relationships What we believe is the basis for our self image and value What we believe shapes…

Believe for Greater Things – 2016 Prayer Focus

As we look toward the New Year, many of us face great challenges, concerns, and needs as well as great opportunities. Some of those things may seem impossible, and, frankly, without God’s help, most probably are. That is where prayer and believing come in. We serve an amazing God who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever imagine as we trust in Him. So, at the beginning of this year, we will be taking time to believe…

Christmas Eve – The Light of Christmas

The Christmas season is a beautiful time of year full of family, fun, food and gifts. But it can also be a season of stress, loneliness, fear and pain. And that was exactly the world God sent his Son into as a baby born in a stable on that first Christmas night. When we look at the Christmas story, we see that the people God invited to the manger were all different, but they were all broken and in need of a Savior—just like we…

Why in the World? – Christmas series

There are many unique things about the Christian faith that seem kinda crazy to the world. The most notable is probably that the God of the universe would one day show up in a human body, live among us and die a human death. Most Christians know why He died but even they have trouble understanding why He came and lived as one of us. [youtube url=”” autohide=”0″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″] Each week we’ll ask ourselves, “Why in the world did God come…

#itscomplicated – Relationships

Relationships are probably the most complicated and frustrating part of human life. They are usually the source of our deepest pain and regret as well as our greatest joy and fulfillment. Join us this Fall for a series of messages that may not solve all the issues but might help you chart a course to bring health and wholeness to your relationships. We know it’s complicated but God has a lot to say that can give you hope and a new vision…

Game of Thrones – sermon series

We are very excited about our final summer sermon series, Game of Thrones. In this series we’ll look at the kings of Israel. It starts and ends with a theocracy but what’s in the middle is filled with the schemes, battles and indulgences of men. Some were worshipers of God others where not. Some were wise and just, many where self satisfying and corrupt. Some waged war and others built great edifices. All were powerful but only one was the…

liveSTRONG – Philippians

The church at Philippi began with Paul’s ministry to a small group of God-fearers that where worshiping along a riverbank (Acts 16:111-13). I love the diversity that was part of the church at Philippi right from the beginning. Lydia is a wealthy Asian woman; the slave girl is an oppressed Greek, and the jailer was a middle class Roman. All were ultimately transformed by the Gospel and part of the church’s genesis. As Paul is writing this letter he is under…

LIFE Redefined – Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount contains some of the most widely known passages of his teaching ministry yet they are probably the least obeyed. It is his clearest description of the nature of the Kingdom he came to inaugurate, yet it establishes a standard beyond our experience and even our ability. Jesus’ sermon is filled with contrasts between citizens of his Kingdom and those of the world, between his subjects and the outwardly religious. He quotes often from the Torah but says…

Follow – Amazingly Simple, Incredibly Hard

Following – how hard can that be? On the surface it sounds pretty straightforward. And following a person is amazingly simple. Simple enough for a child. But when the one you are following is Jesus it’s a different story. It may be simple but it is not easy. As a matter of fact it is incredibly hard. So hard that most won’t even try, some give up and many just pretend. We’re going to look at what it means to be a real follower of…

i WONDER? – sermon series

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Does my life matter? – 9/27 God are you there? – 10/4 Why is there evil? – 10/11 Why is life so unfair? – 10/18 Is there life after death? – 10/25 Why do I feel so alone? – 11/1 If you have wondered about these questions (and who hasn’t) and are still looking for answers, then this series of messages might be for you. If you would like a safe and respectful place…

The Gospel of Mark – Chronicles of a Disciple

We’ve just completed a hard hitting, in-your-face study of the Book of James. Now we’ll shift our attention to the journals of a man who knew the disciples as a boy and journeyed as a young man with Barnabas and Paul. We’ll spend the rest of the summer studying the chronicles of a disciple, John Mark, and what is probably the first written of the Gospels. His book is fast moving and has the feel of a news report (just the facts please). But there…

Modern Faith – sermon series

What good is my faith? How do the ancient writings of the Bible apply to my life? What does genuine Christian faith look like in the 21st century? If you’ve ever asked or even thought those questions, then join us for this insightful and inspirational look into the Book of James (the younger brother of Jesus). We’ll come face-to-face with the implications of faith and how it relates to life, hardship, our actions, our words, our self-image, and more. We’ll learn from…
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