DNA of NineSevenZero Church

DNA of NineSevenZero Church

DNA is the organic molecule that contains the hereditary material for a living organism. Nearly every cell in an organism has the same DNA yet there are many types of cells that look and function differently. The genetic information in DNA is stored as a code made from four chemical bases. Just as letters of an alphabet form words, words form sentences, sentences form paragraphs, paragraphs form chapters, and chapters form books, the sequence of these bases determines the information necessary to maintain and reproduce an organism. An important property of DNA is that it can replicate itself. Each strand of DNA serves as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of all the bases. This is necessary because as a cell divides each new cell needs to have an identical copy of the DNA that was in the original cell.

I’m sure it’s obvious where I am going with this science lesson. It is critical for the health and growth of NineSevenZero Church that we are clear in establishing the DNA of the church at its inception. It is this DNA that will establish the nature, appearance, personality, motivation, and purpose for all those that are part of NineSevenZero Church. It will insure that as we grow, as we send out people, as we replicate groups, as we reproduce fellowships that each one will contain an exact imprint of the necessary genetic material necessary for life, growth, and reproduction.

So what are the characteristics of NineSevenZero Church? Some are scriptural for all churches and some of it is unique to the call and nature of those that have been drawn to NineSevenZero Church. Hear’s some thoughts what do you think?DNA

  • Love like Jesus – love God, love others (Mt 22:37-40)
  • Live like Jesus – obedient to the will of the Father (Jn 5:30, Phil 2:5-8)
  • Serve like Jesus – humbly and selflessly (Jn 13:5-16, Mt 25:34-40)
  • Welcome like Jesus – offering acceptance and grace (Jn 8:11, Mt 11:28-30)
  • Proclaim like Jesus – The Kingdom of God is at hand (Mt 4:17, 10:7-14)


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