Frozen – Hard Water Fishing

Frozen – Hard Water Fishing

“Just ‘cause it’s froze over, don’t mean you can’t fish.”

The secrets of hard-water fishing are pretty much the same as warm weather fishing. Knowledge of the waterway and its structure will help you know where the fish are hanging out. Depending on the species you’re targeting, some fish will tend to hug structure, some will suspend themselves to take advantage of thermocline layers and oxygen levels, while others will “tail” schools of bait fish.

But there are unique aspects of hard-water fishing you must keep in mind. For instance, even after you have found the fish, getting them to bite is another story. Fish are cold-blooded and in ice-cold water their reaction time is dramatically curtailed so techniques that are slow and methodical work best. The near freezing water temperatures also slows fish metabolism, resulting in diminished dining. Lessened appetites demand that we concentrate on peak feeding periods, use smaller baits with a more enticing presentation, and offer more meat than metal.

It’s good for us to remember that there are seasons when the life of a friend or family member or our relationship with them goes sub-artic. And its times like that we need to take a few lessons from the hard-water fishermen. Take the time to find out “the structure”, what put them in the freezer, where are they hanging out, what are they looking for, and what are their needs. Hardships, trials, disappointments, illness, loss, stress, change, season of life all can cause barriers of ice to form and put the freeze on any relationship.

When those we are trying to reach are in a winter season we must remember to be patient with our witness, methodical in our presentation and cautious in our expectations of their response. We need to focus on them and their needs not on “landing” them. And we must never forget that the warmth of Christ’s love and the fellowship of His family are very attractive to those that are swimming in chilling waters. Who knows, being a “real friend” could even start a thaw.

Don’t be put off by the uncomfortable climate, the cold-shoulder or the icy glare Don’t be afraid to venture out on the ice, drill a hole in the cold and drop a line into a friend’s life, because many fish harvested come through the ice.

Stay warm my friend (close to Jesus),

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