Relationship – It`s the context

Relationship – It`s the context

pot-of-stewOne of the questions that we must always be asking ourselves as we go forward in the process of launching NineSevenZero Church is, “Is what we are doing or intending to do promote a relational connection to God or people?” If the answer to that question is “No” then that’s also the answer to the question of whether we should do it. Relationship is the context in which life and mission is done. It’s the pot that holds the stew.

Relationship is central to the Trinity, the Kingdom, and God’s purposes in our creation, His redemptive plan, and the church.

God himself is the model, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect relationship. Jesus declares that he and the Father are one (Jn 10:30). Paul says that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and of Christ (1 Cor 2:10; 3:17–18). John says that love is the essence of the Godhead (Jn 17:23–26; 1 Jn 4:8, 16).

In Genesis the Kingdom of God, shown as a perfect relationship between creator and creation, is quickly lost as man sins and is banished from Eden (Gen 3). The Scriptures then tell the history of God’s redemptive plan and reveal the way the Kingdom of God will finally be reestablished. Jesus inaugurated it’s coming (Mk 1:14-15) and will ultimately bring it’s consummation (Rev 11:15). Its final revealing is described as when all is set right (Acts 3:19–21), a new people of God in fellowship with God (Rom 8:19–21), a new Jerusalem, a new heaven and a new earth (Is 65:17, 2 Pt 3:13).

While sin alienates us from God (destroys our relationship), Christ offers to reconcile us to the Father (Cor 5:18–21). That reconciliation is evidenced by God declaring that we are His sons and daughters again (Gal 4:5). This adoption into His family is a result of the redemptive work of Christ, not of creation, and is the restoration of right relationship.

The church not only serves as evidence of the Kingdom of God in the present and as its primary agent but it is to be known to the world by the way it loves (Mt 13:34-35) and by its unity in the midst of its diversity (Jn 17:23). The primary evidence to the world of the truth of the Gospel is revealed in the human relationships within the church.

Since relationship is central to the nature and purposes of God and is the context for human life and the church, we want to make sure that it is foundational to NineSevenZero Church. These statements are a first pass in describing that commitment:

  • Committed to pursue a deepening relationship with Christ (as Lord, Savior, elder brother, friend, and Master), and to live as His devoted disciple.
  • Committed to a loving, real, sacrificial relationship with spouse, family and extended family.
  • Committed to authentic relationship with those in the church. Doing life and working out faith together as the family of God
  • Committed to the Mission of God, offering grace and compassion to the lost and those in need. To do what Jesus did and join in what the Spirit is doing.
  • Committed to building genuine relationships with our local communities and people in them without relational agendas. Seeking only to humbly serve and to be a light in their lives.

How could we better communicate our commitment to relationship? (Please comment and offer suggestions)


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