What is The Abba Journey?
The Abba Journey is relational discipleship with two other participants comprised of a relational journey through three books which focus on learning to know the Father and receive the Heavenly Father’s love. If the greatest commandment is to love God and love our neighbors, the beginning must be learning to receive His love. The starting line asks the question, “How do I know the Father?” The Abba Journey comprises three books:
1 The Abba Foundation: Knowing the Father Through the Eyes of Jesus
Jesus didn’t come to start a new religion, judge the world, or model a new ethic. He came to give humanity the clearest possible view of the Father. Jesus was, and is, first and foremost Abba’s Son. He knew the Father in a way that was incomprehensible to His contemporaries and continues to challenge our notions of the rule-keeping, judgmental, begrudging God. We will explore what Jesus reveals about the Father’s way of being, His will, mission, gifts and calling, and how this informs our understanding of creation, holiness, and relationships.
2 The Abba Factor: Knowing Yourself Through the Father’s Eyes
Understand the orphan spirit on a global scale. Then see the contrast between the progression of the orphan spirit and sonship, and how God uproots orphan thinking and establishes a sonship mentality. Sonship is not a place to get to, but a way to be. Seeing yourself through the Father’s eyes will radically set you free from the orphan lies and temporary substitutes for joy.
3 The Abba Formation: The Spirit’s Role in Your Personal Transformation
How does lasting transformation happen? Discover the inside-out process of the indwelling Spirit, who searches out the Father’s will and purpose for you, then discloses it into your own spirit. Discover how to get full and stay full of the overflowing God himself, and be renewed in your original, unique “genius.”
This series comes from the conviction that disciples are not made by focusing on behaviors, attitudes, or even the disciplines of a disciple, but by focusing on God himself. Therefore, our
definition of a “disciple” is one who freely receives the Father’s love and responds to His presence, evidenced by other-centered love and action.
These groups meet at a time and place that meets the needs and schedules of the participants. See Pastor Jon for more information