970 Core Values

970 Core Values

Core values are declarations of what we believe is critical to us as a church achieving our mission. It’s the things that we’d “go to the mat for”. The Statement of Faith, Mission Statement and the Purpose Statement address the fellowship as a whole. The Core Values are more focused on the individuals of the fellowship and particularly the leadership.

We also can’t simply declare everything as important, because if we do that, automatically, nothing is important.  We cannot focus on everything. Core values are similar to the warning bumps along the sides of the road.  They are a reminder of when we get out of bounds, and therefore help keep us on track.  Another word picture is that core values are like the banks of a river.  They don’t impede the flow (of life and ministry) but they do guide it in a definite direction.

Intimacy with God is the power source for personal transformation, growth & ministry

We believe that God desires an intimate relationship with every believer through the person of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual disciplines help us achieve intimacy with Him, evidenced by the fruitfulness of our lives. Prayer must be the underpinning of every decision, every action, and every dream. Prayer is the key that open’s the door to God’s wisdom and guidance and it is prayer that releases the power of the Spirit in our lives. (John 15:1-17, Ephesians 6:18, Luke 18:1, Acts 4:31, James 5:16, Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16 & 6:12)

The Tough Questions:

Do I spend time with God, listen for God’s voice and obey when He speaks? Is my time spent in communion with God a priority in my everyday life? Do my actions reflect my faith in God hearing and answering my prayers? Do I take everything to God in prayer?

Devotion, Authenticity, Integrity and Excellence are cornerstones of the Christian life

We believe that devotion, authenticity, integrity, and excellence should permeate every area of personal and church life including every relationship, beginning with God and extending to others and ourselves. (2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 3:21, Proverbs 11:3, Matthew 22:38-39)

The Tough Questions:

Am I devoted to God and motivated by brotherly love? Am I honest with God, others and myself? Do I pursue excellence in my personal, public and ministry life?

Biblical truth is our first and final authority

We believe that God has spoken to us through the Scriptures.  The Bible is without flaw and it is our ultimate authority. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21)

The Tough Questions:

Am I a student of the Scripture and is there any teaching of Scripture that I am knowingly disobeying?

People matter to God and therefore matter to us

We believe that people are the object of God’s affections, and that He has asked His church to carry His message of love and hope into an unbelieving world. Meeting people’s needs should be more important than maintaining programs. (Ezekiel 18:32, Matthew 18:14, Luke 15 (the “lost” parables), 2 Corinthians 5:14-20, 2 Peter 3:9)

The Tough Question:

Who of God’s children (saved and lost) am I caring for (body, mind and spirit)?

The church should be culturally relevant in order to connect with the spiritually uncommitted

We believe our role is to create environments that are conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people.  While our style, tools, and presentation may change with time or target, the truth we seek to share is constant and timeless. (Colossians 4:5, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, 1 Chronicles 12:32, Acts 17:22-34)

The Tough Questions:

Am I a student of human nature and our culture, able to articulate what the people around me sing, dream and cry about?

Spiritual growth happens best in an authentic community

We believe in the power of love, acceptance and forgiveness. Relationships of mutual, voluntary submission between believers forge accountability, foster care, and fulfill our sense of belonging. (John 13:34-35, Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:24-25)

The Tough Questions:

Who has my complete trust, and can speak truths that I may not want to hear? Who am I investing in? Who do I stand alongside to love and support?

Committed to Teamwork & Service

It is imperative to keep in one mind and one accord. Though we are uniquely gifted and experienced we realize that only by working together can we fulfill our God given mission. Serving others with a humble heart is our duty and expression of gratitude to God. We believe that each believer is responsible for exercising his or her gifts in coordinated, strategic unity with other members of the body. (Philippians 2:5-11, Ephesians 4:1-7 & 11-16, Psalm 133:1, 1 Peter 2:4-9)

The Tough Questions:

What is at the center of my attitudes and passions? Does pride rule in my service? Can I identify my spiritual gifts and show how God’s unique calling is expressed in my life and ministry?

The next generation is of critical importance

We celebrate God’s gift of the family, and we are dedicated to a ministry of discipleship, training and prevention rather than crisis intervention to prepare our children for today and the future. We purpose to model in words, deeds, priorities and passions the fullness of a life surrendered to Christ and a life of devotion to God. Sensitivity to our spiritual legacy shapes current plans and ministries. (Mark 10:13-16, Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 101:2, Joshua 24:15b)

The Tough Questions:

Am I purposefully investing in (my) children to draw them into a personal relationship with Christ? What elements of my life are not good examples for children that look to me? What is my spiritual legacy?

The Great Commission is the personal responsibility of each believer

The responsibility of every believer is to get so close to God that our hearts beat with His passions. But we must also remember that passion is like water in a leaky bucket that needs constant attention and mending. We need to see the lost with Christ’s eyes and heart. (Matthew 28:18-20, John 15:5, Acts 10:36-43)

The Tough Questions:

Am I sharing my faith, my hope, and my trust in Christ with those in my circles of family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances? What am I doing to promote the Gospel and take it to those who have never heard?