

This is The Way – Devo Day 41

The Disciplines of Fasting and Chastity Fasting in the World Today Mardi Gras celebrations are over and the season of Lent has begun for Catholics around the world. During this season they will modify their normal diet for religious reasons. Many religions and spiritual philosophies practice fasting in some form (including Judaism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Isalm, Taoism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Christianity). Fasting is often associated with the season of Lent for Catholics or the season of Ramadan for Muslims; however, many…

This is The Way – Devo Day 38

The Discipline of Study The discipline of study is central to the process that the Holy Spirit uses to renew our mind is a way that we can respond appropriately to the truths of God’s Word. Study not only involves reading but also active engagement with the Scriptures through observation, interpretation, and application. This discipline also includes devotional reflection and exposure to current gifted Biblical writers and teachers and those of the past as well. And it shall be with…

This is The Way – Devo Day 35

The Discipline of Journaling Many have found that keeping a journal helps them better understand their process of spiritual formation superintended by the Holy Spirit. By recording your interactions with the Word of God, your feelings and insights from the stream of your life, and your God sightings (in nature, in people, in circumstances) you’ll have a chronicling of your spiritual development. Journaling is not just an introspective exercise, it is also a method of keeping track of what the…

This is The Way – Devo Day 32

The Discipline of Prayer Prayer is a vital and unique relational dimension of the Christian faith. God created us to enjoy a personal relationship with Him, and prayer is that personal dialogue with the living God. Seen from a Biblical perspective, prayer is a privileged opportunity, not a duty to discharge. Prayer is the meeting place where we draw close to God, to be with Him, to enjoy Him, to receive from Him, to release our burdens and fears, and…

This is The Way – Devo Day 26

The Extremes of Spiritual Development It’s easy to slip into the extremes of spiritual development. The first extreme overemphasizes our role and minimizes God’s role. This position is characterized by the mentality of striving and living for Christ. It emphasizes knowledge, rules, rededication efforts, and human activity, and it undervalues the work of the Holy Spirit. The second extreme (the opposite of the first) overemphasizes God’s role and minimizes our role. This position is characterized by a let-go-and-let-God passivity. It…