love (Page 2)

love (Page 2)

Is He Like Joe?

The fear of failure keeps us from trying to succeed. The fear of losing keeps us from trying to win. The fear of what everyone else will think keeps us from stepping out boldly. The fear of ridicule keeps us from declaring our faith in Jesus Christ. Most of all, fear stifles hope. – Hope from My Heart by Rich Devos Joe was an alcoholic whose life was miraculously changed by Christ in an inner city mission. Prior to his…

Hot Spots Attract People

“Hot Spots attract people” Have you ever noticed that when the fish are really biting, you attract other fishermen? It’s the law of the Hot Spot. People are attracted to activity, they are attracted to success, and they are attracted to winners. It’s the quest for the answer to one of those deep inner questions of life, “Wuz Up?” One of the keys to evangelism in our emerging postmodern culture is the same as it was for the early church, create…

It’s Ok, We’re All Messed Up

So what does NineSevenZero Church look like? Who is it for? These are extremely important questions for a church plant to be able to answer, but they are surprisingly difficult to succinctly express. Looking at a spectrum of church types it’s easier to say what we don’t want to be rather than what we desire to be. On one end of the spectrum is the hyper liberal church that has abandoned the truth of the Bible and embraced cultural mores. They emphasize the love…
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