missional (Page 2)

missional (Page 2)

I Will Make You Fishers of Men

“To a die hard fisherman hunting is like shooting fish in a barrel.” I love fishing and hunting and while they have their similarities there are differences. And it’s these differences that make each sport unique and truly enjoyable to a wide range of people. But when it comes to the Kingdom, I’m glad Jesus said to His disciples that He would make them “fishers of men” and not “hunters of men”. Just the idea of “hunters of men” brings mental…

There’s Something Irresistible About Live Bait

There are many fabulous artificial lures on the market but they all seek to imitate real life. Relational Evangelism is like using live bait when fishing. Amazing events and fabulous services can be effective and productive in communicating the Good News to our world but we must never forget that there is something irresistible about live bait. There is no substitute for real life. Many times in our culture we (not the corporate church) are the most effective and productive connection…

That the World May Know (part 2)

I love how Jesus cuts through all the pretense and “wisdom” of men and exposes the heart of the matter with powerful simplicity. When confronted by the Pharisees and the scribes, He reduced all the law and the prophets to two incredibly clear and succinct statements (Matthew 22:37–39); You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You…

DNA – The Missional Strand

Today’s American society has many similarities to the culture which surrounded the first century church: People are spiritually sensitive and hungry but they are not looking to the Christian church. The culture is pluralistic but intolerant of the exclusive claims of Christ. The Christian faith is politically maligned and culturally held in disdain. That first century culture was God’s incubator for the genesis of the Church. We know the sect of Christ followers grew rapidly. The Church multiplied at an…

Mission to Our Community

There is something amazingly powerful about extending no charge, no-strings-attached service that has no purpose other than to bless someone else. It never ceases to amaze me how profoundly people are touched by the simplest acts of genuine care and selfless service. First off, it is a clear witness to others of the grace that God has extended to us. A tangible unconditional love that not only is visible but is deeply felt. An extravagant love that was modeled by…
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