following Jesus (Page 6)

following Jesus (Page 6)

Only Now at the End

There’s not much good about growing old except the advantage of historical perspective. Some people call it wisdom but most of the time it’s just that we know a bunch of stuff that doesn’t work (because we’ve tried and failed). However, the longer I walk with the Lord the easier it becomes to believe and trust. Not because the challenges are less but rather that God has proven himself faithful in the past and sufficient for my need. I love…

That the World May Know (part 2)

I love how Jesus cuts through all the pretense and “wisdom” of men and exposes the heart of the matter with powerful simplicity. When confronted by the Pharisees and the scribes, He reduced all the law and the prophets to two incredibly clear and succinct statements (Matthew 22:37–39); You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You…

That the World May Know (part 1)

Jesus made two shocking statements to His disciples on the night of His betrayal. Judas had left the group and the mechanisms that would lead to Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion had been set into motion. Knowing what was about to unfold and just hours before His death on a cross Jesus turned His attention to His disciples and made two startling forward looking statements. Jesus spoke to those around Him but His audience would be all who would call Him Lord…

Water Baptism

Biblical Christianity is surprisingly simple. When distilled to its essence, the teachings of Jesus involve virtually none of the ceremonies, rituals or other features usually associated with religions. Yet Jesus did leave us with ordinances, concrete ways of connecting with His person and with other believers. Water baptism and Communion are the two ordinances practiced by 970 Church. Neither are salvific or make us a Christian, but both are part of what it means to be a follower of Christ. While Jesus himself…

First Thing – Count the Cost

Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. -Jerry Seinfeld Despite what the purveyors of the prosperity gospel say there is no escaping the New Testament reality that following Jesus is costly. Jesus said it would be. He never hid this fact and laid it out plainly to all that might follow him. The cost involves death to self and total commitment to God. The demand is all encompassing including relationships, wealth, position, possessions and life itself…