NineSevenZero Church (Page 4)

NineSevenZero Church (Page 4)

I Will Make You Fishers of Men

“To a die hard fisherman hunting is like shooting fish in a barrel.” I love fishing and hunting and while they have their similarities there are differences. And it’s these differences that make each sport unique and truly enjoyable to a wide range of people. But when it comes to the Kingdom, I’m glad Jesus said to His disciples that He would make them “fishers of men” and not “hunters of men”. Just the idea of “hunters of men” brings mental…

There’s Something Irresistible About Live Bait

There are many fabulous artificial lures on the market but they all seek to imitate real life. Relational Evangelism is like using live bait when fishing. Amazing events and fabulous services can be effective and productive in communicating the Good News to our world but we must never forget that there is something irresistible about live bait. There is no substitute for real life. Many times in our culture we (not the corporate church) are the most effective and productive connection…

Block Party – 9/20/14

You & Your Family Are Invited to join us for an evening of Fun and Laughs Bump ‘n Jumps, Games & Giveaways  Free Food! (pulled pork sandwiches by Texas Roadhouse) September 20th, 5-7pm  [put_wpgm id=3]  

Who Do You Say I Am? – Week 1

Sometimes we treat Jesus and His Word like the grocery store sample tables. We pick and choose what we want to satisfy ourselves all the time knowing that we’re not really interested in “buying in.” After all Jesus’ call to follow him involves a cross, sacrifice and death. Pretty radical stuff. Like who does he think he is? But John Mark in his gospel turns that question on its head. A question that flows through the book, from beginning to the end. It’s the…

The Gospel of Mark – Chronicles of a Disciple

We’ve just completed a hard hitting, in-your-face study of the Book of James. Now we’ll shift our attention to the journals of a man who knew the disciples as a boy and journeyed as a young man with Barnabas and Paul. We’ll spend the rest of the summer studying the chronicles of a disciple, John Mark, and what is probably the first written of the Gospels. His book is fast moving and has the feel of a news report (just the facts please). But there…

Modern Faith – sermon series

What good is my faith? How do the ancient writings of the Bible apply to my life? What does genuine Christian faith look like in the 21st century? If you’ve ever asked or even thought those questions, then join us for this insightful and inspirational look into the Book of James (the younger brother of Jesus). We’ll come face-to-face with the implications of faith and how it relates to life, hardship, our actions, our words, our self-image, and more. We’ll learn from…

There’s No Place Like Home

Don’t you love it when you get a chance to sit down with a old friend you haven’t seen in forever and you are easily able to pick up your relationship right from where you left off? Getting caught up on the happenings of life is fun but what’s really fulfilling is the connection — knowing someone and them knowing you. It’s then you realize that time and distance doesn’t change that. Recently I was writing an email and asked the…

That You May Tell

Love the exaltation of Psalm 48. You can’t help but sense that their deliverance is fresh and that in the face of impending doom their God not only protected them but also routed their enemy. It is the song of one who is on the backside of threat, trial and attack. But it is also significant that the song was not just a celebration of the now but also a powerful declaration to the generations that would follow – Great…


The following are some notes from The Global Leadership Summit (Willow Creek Association) presentation by Liz Wiseman taken from her book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter. As leaders in Christ’s church we are stewards of those that Jesus calls to join our team including their talents, creative ideas, and passions. Liz says that leaders can either be a Diminisher or a Multiplier. The diminsher actually has a draining influence of those they lead. They shut down others…

How to Lose Your Best People

Patrick Lencioni shared a presentation at Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit from his book, The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Business Parable. Lencioni’s focus was on employees but the principles he sets out also apply to volunteers. This makes the implications of these observations critical for church leaders and pastors.  Patrick nailed three signs of a miserable job that destroy a work culture and lead to separation – Anonymity, Irrelevance and Immeasurement. Anonymity Lencioni – People cannot…

Come Check Us Out

While reading Psalms 66 I was reminded of the interplay between the purposes of our public gatherings and the invitations that we extend to our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to come and check us out. We recognize that our public services will be one of the front doors of NineSevenZero Church and that each gathering must be planned and designed with those we haven’t met yet in mind. Anticipating and preparing for guests in our public gatherings will give…

Lessons from the Vineyard

The Grand Valley of Colorado is known agriculturally for the quality of the fruit that it’s orchards and vineyards produce. The unique sediment soil, abundant sun light, protection by the massive Mesa and Book Cliffs mountains, and the life giving flow of the Colorado River make this desert fertile and productive.  Recently while walking down the rows of vines, I was reminded of the parable Jesus told his disciples in John chapter 15 and some of the faith-life lessons that come…