Posts by 970admin (Page 6)

Posts by 970admin (Page 6)

Easter 2018

2,000 years ago the world was changed forever! Jesus rose up from the grave, alive to continue his mission to reconcile all of creation back to the Father. He had died for our sins and broke the power of sin. And now He defeated death and proved that the grave could not hold him. It is at Easter that we celebrate His great victory over death and look forward to that day when He returns and all of creation enters into new…

Search + Rescue

If you’ve ever been lost in the wilderness or suffered an accident that left you trapped or disabled, you know the value of the brave and devoted search and rescue workers that risk their lives to protect ours. Beginning on March 4th we will begin a new sermon series that will take us through Easter Sunday entitled, Search + Rescue. We will look into the greatest search and rescue mission of all time. When the God of the universe took on…

Blueprint for Life

Pastor Jon and Kate Drackett will be facilitating a mid-week Bible study for men and women starting Wednesday, January 10th, at 6:30pm. They will be exploring topics like parenting, finances, relationships, work and ministry. Practical lessons to help support life change and new directions. A perfect start to a new year. Parenting       1/10 – Principle of the Big Red Ball (your gift, your child’s gift)                          …

Slaying Giants

When the Israelite spies came back from the Promised Land they reported that it was filled with giants. Their inheritance was inhabited. Most wanted to follow the majority report and give up. After all, it’s a big world and there are lots of easier places to settle. Milk and honey would probably be too rich a diet anyway. What’s wrong with water and mana? But isn’t that how it is for us too? There are often giants keeping us from entering…

Killing Kryptonite

You Can Destroy What Steals Your Strength Just like Superman, who can leap over any hurdle and defeat every foe, followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face. But the problem for both Superman and us is there’s a kryptonite that steals our strength. Of course, both Superman and kryptonite are fictional. But spiritual kryptonite is not. In Killing Kryptonite, John Bevere reveals what this kryptonite is, why it’s compromising our communities, and how to…

Play the Man

In the church today, many men find themselves confused about what it actually means to be a man. Our culture does little to help. The result is a generation of men who struggle to embrace their responsibilities, roles, and the purpose for which God created them. In this series, Mark Batterson, highlights seven virtues of manhood to offer clear insight into what it means to be a faithful man of God. Keying in on the story of the martyr Polycarp,…

Perfect Love

Pursuing Intimacy with Christ through the Song of Solomon We all want to be known and loved. Though we can experience deep relationships with others, there will always be a hole in our hearts for the perfect love of Christ. But, what does that really mean? How do we pursue intimacy with an invisible God? What if we do not feel worthy of His love? How can we respond when troubles kidnap our security in Christ? In six powerful sessions,…

Crazy Cycle

We know that divorce is a major issue in our culture today, both inside and outside the church. Despite our best attempts at love, couples find themselves paralyzed by dysfunction and mired in conflict. Why do we face so many seemingly insurmountable problems today? Is there hope for the struggle? What are we missing? Join us on Wednesday evenings starting Sept 13th at 6:30pm for this 4-part series called the Crazy Cycle. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs sheds light on an often…

GOD is for …

Many in our culture, who might even believe that there is a God, think that he is distant, uncaring, a cosmic killjoy or just waiting for them to mess up so he can punish them. Starting Sunday, September 10th, we’ll devote 6 weeks in a sermon series that just touches the truth of all the things that God is for. Come and learn the truth about God and how he feels about you, your life and those around you. This would…

Memorial Day Service – The Lesson of the Stones

Do you ever have trouble remembering things? If you’re not sure, the answer is probably “yes.” This weekend (Sunday, 5/28, at 9:30am) we’ll be celebrating Memorial Day, a national Day of Remembrance for those who have lost their lives in service to our country. These men and women have given the ultimate gift, their life, that we might have freedom. Even the freedom to gather together today in worship is freedom that many Christians around the world do not enjoy. As…

Who Are You, REALLY?

How would you answer the question – Who Are You, REALLY? Some of us would immediately think of their occupation, what they do for a living. Some would think of their family position, father, mother, husband, wife. Some would find their answer in their ethnicity, nationality or family of origin. Some would find their identity in what they’ve done, their accomplishments or their failures. And then some would focus on their skills or talents. While all of these certainly contribute…