Posts by 970admin (Page 7)

Posts by 970admin (Page 7)

Sharefest 2017

Saturday, April 29th, 9 am to 1 pm Every year Christians of the Grand Valley link arms to show the folks of our community the love of Jesus. He said that we are to love our neighbors and that our expression of love and the unity of the family of God would be evidence to the world that God loves them. This year the project weekend is April 29-30. It is Sharefest’s 10th year and 970 Church’s 5th year participating.  Help us love on our…

Deep Love

No one is interested in a shallow relationship, right? We don’t want to hover around the surface. We want to sink the roots of our relationship deep into love. We want to enjoy deeper connection and understanding. Deeper conversations and bonding. Deeper intimacy and passion. And that’s exactly what the Deep Love series can do. Starting April 23rd at 9:30am, we are beginning a new sermon series and Wednesday evening small groups at 6:30pm to help you strengthen your marriage…

It’s a Resurrection Story

Hope is a powerful thing but it is in short supply these days. But can you imagine the hopeless that the disciples felt when Jesus was crucified and all their hopes for the future died with him? What they didn’t know was that on the morning of the third day Jesus would break the shackles of death when he rose from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest demonstration of the power of God in all of history and is…

Loving the Church for All It’s Worth

“Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Eph. 5:25-27) Clearly Jesus loves his church and so should we. A Christ-like love for the church will be expressed in practical ways. The scriptural metaphors related to…


The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood member of the Trinity – which explains the “power outage” in the Church today and in the lives of so many Christians! If you are tired of living a powerless life. If you are hungry for a fresh touch of God’s Spirit, then tap into FirePower this Spring. For the 50 days leading up to Easter we will be seeking a deeper encounter and relationship with the Holy Spirit through anointed preaching and…

We Are The Church

Justin Beiber was asked some questions about his faith and being a part of a church. “A lot of people who are religious, I think they get lost. They go to church just to go to church. I’m not trying to disrespect them…but for me, I focus more on praying and talking to Him. I don’t have to go to church.” Many people think and believe just like Justin Beiber (whether they admit it or not) when it comes to their view…

The Art of Neighboring

What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors? When Jesus was asked to sum up everything into one command, he said to love God with everything we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Most of us have turned this simple idea of loving our neighbors into a nice saying, putting it on bumper stickers and refrigerator magnets and then going on with our lives without actually putting it into practice. Jesus also said that to…

Taking Risks – Shaping Destiny

Five hundred years ago, on October 31, 1517, Brother Martin, a monk and a scholar, approached the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nailed a piece of paper that would shake the world and send it in another direction. He had struggled for years with the teachings of his beloved church. He had been particularly disturbed by an unprecedented sale of indulgences, the selling of forgiveness by the church for past, present and future sins. But why October 31? November…


Growing up as a boy north of Chicago I was, of course, a Cub fan. I still have an autographed baseball from the 1963 Cubbies when they were only winning half their games on my bookshelf. I never played baseball competitively but to me, as a boy, baseball and summer were synonymous. There was a game almost everyday in the neighborhood and I can still almost hear the call of the games over the radio and Harry Cary signing “Take…

Chase the Lion (small group study)

Small Group starting Wednesday, 10/26, at 6:30pm When the image of a man-eating beast travels through the optic nerve and into the visual cortex, the brain sends the body a simple but urgent message: run away! That’s what normal people do, but not lion chasers. Rather than seeing a five hundred pound problem, they see an opportunity for God to show up and show His power. “Chase the Lion” is more than a catch phrase; it’s a radically different approach…

I AM – The Unveiling of God

The Apostle John in his gospel shared the most intimate account of Jesus and it his account that will be the backdrop for our sermon series entitled, “I AM – The Unveiling of God.” John indeed paints for us a beautiful picture of Jesus – His words, His actions, His motives and His character but it is not John’s understanding or belief that we are going to focus on. Instead, we’re going to journey through the Gospel of John to discover…