Blog (Page 10)

Blog (Page 10)

Follow – Amazingly Simple, Incredibly Hard

Following – how hard can that be? On the surface it sounds pretty straightforward. And following a person is amazingly simple. Simple enough for a child. But when the one you are following is Jesus it’s a different story. It may be simple but it is not easy. As a matter of fact it is incredibly hard. So hard that most won’t even try, some give up and many just pretend. We’re going to look at what it means to be a real follower of…

2014 Christmas Project

HOPE of the Grand Valley’s mission is to provide support and a hand up to hard-working parents and their children who and are not receiving welfare, or housing assistance. This is a group that tends to fall through the cracks of the governmental programs. These are people trying to break the cycle of poverty and doing their best to get ahead and it’s a situation that creates an uncertain future for both parents and their children. HOPE of the Grand Valley…

Can Faith and Doubt Co-Exist?

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #6 – Can Faith and Doubt Co-Exist? “Those who believe they believe in God but without passion in the heart, without anguish of mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, and even at times without despair, believe in the idea of God, and not in God himself.”  Madeleine L’Engle In this final article from Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Faith, the once atheist now pastor and evangelist takes us to a major stumbling block…

I Still Have Doubts, So I Can’t be a Christian

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #5 – I Still Have Doubts, So I Can’t be a Christian Theologian Lynn Anderson remembers the time a brilliant novelist came to the small Canadian town where he lived as a boy. One day, as he visited with Anderson’s family, the writer asked Lynn, “Do you really believe the Bible’s true? Babies born from virgins, dead people coming out of the cemetery?” “Yes,” Lynn answered, “that’s what I believe.” The writer…

God and Evil

The problem of evil is the one argument that most atheists cling to in defense of their world view. They say that the existence an omnipotent and omnibenevolent creator is logically inconsistent with a world containing evil. Evil is a great problem that causes many of us to question our belief in who God is. Many wonder how an all-powerful, completely good God can allow such suffering and evil to occur in this world; i.e. Sandy Hook shooting, the slaughter…

God Are You There?

Sometimes our walk with God can be confusing: Why it is that God, at times, feels closer than my very skin? And other times further than the moon? If you find yourself struggling with God’s existence, there are several arguments for God’s existence. I encourage you to research and understand each argument. This is not an exhaustive list however, but these arguments are very applicable, powerful, and easily understood. They are as follows: The Cosmological Argument, The Ontological Argument, The Moral…

The Bible is Inaccurate and Unreliable

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #4 – The Bible is Inaccurate and Unreliable For years, skeptics have assailed the Bible as a book of pious pronouncements, and scientists like Carl Sagan claimed science would prove the Bible to be unreliable. This question of the historical reliability of the Bible was a major stumbling block for journalist Lee Strobel before his conversion. So, like any good journalist, he decided to investigate. He turned to theologian Norman Geisler, an…

What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity

Maximus, in the movie Gladiator, before his epic battle with the barbarians said, “What we do in life, echoes in eternity!” But does it really? If who I am, what I do, or who I become means nothing, how then can life have any meaning? Inevitably we all will begin asking life’s most difficult questions. One question we all ask ourselves is; is my life significant? Does it matter? Is there purpose to my life? If so, what is that…

Exclusive Claims of Christ

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #3 – It’s Offensive to Claim Jesus Is the Only Way to God “You Christians are so arrogant,” the young man told me. “You think Jesus is the only route to God. It’s an insult to anyone who follows another faith.” His parting shot was: “It’s intolerant religious views like yours that lead to hatred and violence.” Well, this young man is not alone in his views. In an age that celebrates…

Faith Contradicts Science

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #2 – Faith Contradicts Science In his book, The Case for Faith, journalist/pastor Lee Strobel says he struggled to find answers to questions he thought blocked belief in God—including scientific teachings that ruled out the God who created the heavens and the earth. Strobel had always accepted Darwin’s evolutionary theories. But the more he investigated Darwinism’s claims, he writes, the more he questioned “whether the sweeping conclusions of Darwinists are really justified…

i WONDER? – sermon series

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Does my life matter? – 9/27 God are you there? – 10/4 Why is there evil? – 10/11 Why is life so unfair? – 10/18 Is there life after death? – 10/25 Why do I feel so alone? – 11/1 If you have wondered about these questions (and who hasn’t) and are still looking for answers, then this series of messages might be for you. If you would like a safe and respectful place…

Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Loving God Cannot

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel Objection #1 – Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Loving God Cannot During the winter Sue Stottmeister was jogging through a park in Rockville, as she always did before picking up her children from school. But on this day she would not complete her run. Instead, the Sunday school teacher was attacked and brutally beaten. When police found her, she had been lying in the snow for five hours. She died on the way…