Blog (Page 9)

Blog (Page 9)

liveSTRONG – Philippians

The church at Philippi began with Paul’s ministry to a small group of God-fearers that where worshiping along a riverbank (Acts 16:111-13). I love the diversity that was part of the church at Philippi right from the beginning. Lydia is a wealthy Asian woman; the slave girl is an oppressed Greek, and the jailer was a middle class Roman. All were ultimately transformed by the Gospel and part of the church’s genesis. As Paul is writing this letter he is under…

Sharefest 2016

[youtube url=”” width=”600″] Saturday, April 23rd, 9 am to 1 pm Every year the churches of the Grand Valley link arms to show the folks of our community the love of Jesus. He said that we are to love others and that our expression of love and the unity of the family of God would be evidence to the world that God loves them. This year the project weekend is April 23-24. It is 970 Church’s fourth year participating and this year we will…

Ever After – Life Lessons Learned in my Castle of Chaos

Ladies’ Mid-Week Life Group Starting Wednesday, 2/25/2015, 6:30 pm Most every woman dreams about having a family and a building a home. We grow up on a steady diet of fairytales and chick flicks that drive our dreams . . . and leave us with a sugarcoated version of reality. We want it all: the prince, the kiss, the proposal, the ring, the castle, and eventually, the kids in smocked rompers playing cheerfully on the perfectly manicured lawn. Our hopes…

Cover Me – Day of War

Men’s Mid-Week Life Group Starting Wednesday, 1/28/2015, 6:30 pm Cliff Graham’s Lion of War series is powerfully resonating with readers through its intense and gritty depiction of epic biblical struggles. By addressing heart-felt issues that transcend time, Graham’s work invites us into deeper introspection by igniting a desire for lasting change. In the first study guide for the Lion of War series, Cover Me satisfies the desire for authentic life-transformation by taking us on a unique journey from Graham’s historical…

LIFE Redefined – Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount contains some of the most widely known passages of his teaching ministry yet they are probably the least obeyed. It is his clearest description of the nature of the Kingdom he came to inaugurate, yet it establishes a standard beyond our experience and even our ability. Jesus’ sermon is filled with contrasts between citizens of his Kingdom and those of the world, between his subjects and the outwardly religious. He quotes often from the Torah but says…

Discerning the Call of God – Introduction

What is God’s call on my life? Most Christians have wrestled with that question and some of us multiple times. Many get frustrated and simply give up thinking it is not possible to know the mind of God. A few turn it into a mystical quest and others think they can verbally strong-arm God making him reveal it by saying the “right things.” Part of our problem is that God doesn’t always communicate it to us in a way we want or expect it. How often…

Incarnating the Gospel in 2015

Here’s some simple things that if you are intentional about them in 2015 will help you live your life more missionally and incarnate (put flesh on) the Gospel with those who you work and live with. Make these ideas more than just a resolution. Make them goals with actionable tasks that you measure and monitor. 1. Things You Are Already Doing Opportunities Hospitality Invite non-believing friends over for a meal. Invite non-believing friends over for a game or movie night (with snacks). Throw a…


Ladies’ Mid-Week Life Group Starting Wednesday, 1/7/2015, 6:30 pm Between financial struggles, family dynamics, health issues, and the typical problems of everyday life, it’s easy to feel weighed down and trapped by our circumstances. And it’s tempting to just throw in the towel and quit. Perry Noble has stood at the edge of the abyss himself. In this Bible study, he shares the keys to unlocking the chains of anxiety and despair once and for all—shifting our focus from our…

Is He Like Joe?

The fear of failure keeps us from trying to succeed. The fear of losing keeps us from trying to win. The fear of what everyone else will think keeps us from stepping out boldly. The fear of ridicule keeps us from declaring our faith in Jesus Christ. Most of all, fear stifles hope. – Hope from My Heart by Rich Devos Joe was an alcoholic whose life was miraculously changed by Christ in an inner city mission. Prior to his…

When They’re Runnin’, It’s Time To Go Fishin’

“When they’re runnin’, it’s time to go fishin’.” Before coming to Colorado we lived in Wisconsin. Each year the walleye and white bass would make their runs up the Fox and Wolf Rivers and during those times it was shoulder to shoulder fishing off every bridge in town. We knew if the fish were running there would be high concentrations of hungry fish passing under every bridge thus increasing the potential to land one and more than likely a bucket full. Thanksgiving…

Be Rich In Good Deeds

The 1st Century Church not known for their temples, their theology or even the miracles. The thing that caused their world to sit up and take notice was the crazy generosity and compassion that the followers of Jesus displayed toward one another and those around them. That counter-cultural characteristic of the early Christian Church propelled them to the forefront of the Greco-Roman world. They had no political, economic or religious clout yet they change their world and all of history since…

Gods at War

Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm starting 11/12 [vimeo url=”″ title=”0″ fs=”0″ portrait=”0″ autoplay=”1″] There are gods at war within each of us. They battle for the throne of our hearts, and much is at stake. This is why idolatry is the most discussed problem in the entire Bible. Behind every sin struggle that you and I have is a false god that is winning the war in our lives. Don’t give in to the myth that gods are only statues that…